Migration (RIP ChrisEngineer.com)

I used Blogger in early 2018 to document my trip to Asia, but I didn't touch it after that. Some time in June 2019, I got the idea of starting a professional website to share my personal thoughts. I acquired the 'ChrisEngineer.com' domain and created a WordPress-powered website. The hosting service was not free, which I hoped would motivate me to remain diligent in sustaining the content for my own productivity. 

I started writing primarily about Engineering concepts I've learned in industry, and how they could be applied in all areas of life. The core of Engineering is problem solving and root cause analysis, which could used to truly understand and improve our life situations. 

Later, I started using it to document for my personal projects (recipes, video editing, games, coding). As a hobbyist, I'm not too committed to any one of these pursuits and can freely move between them. However, swapping between them too often can hinder proficiency in a single skill.  

On June 30th, 2020, hosting for ChrisEngineer.com will expire. I've exported the website as a static HTML file for archiving, and I'll start transferring them into the Blogger. It's hard to financially justify continuing the host my own website. It was nothing more than a personal blog with no real services or products offered. It was $12 to host the website and domain for the first year, but then it'll bump up to $100/year for renewal. There was also some security issues, which required an extra $130/year for the SSL certificate and Malware support.

Overall, it was a fun experience and I enjoyed putting myself out there. I'll continue my writings in this blog, and perhaps even upload more frequent, free-form posts since it'll be somewhat less formal. It was fun learning how to build and manage a WordPress site, but sometimes it just got in the way of the main content I'd want to work on.

Stay tuned!


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